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About Forums “Theory U Education” Forums “U School For Transformation” Forum What is "U School For Transformation"?

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  • James

    2020-07-21 at 1:37 PM

    Woo, that is amazing. Hope I am able to join the U School Lab. I want to change in so many perspectives. I think it applies to many people. In our world, we are facing so many crisis. If everyone is able to know the U theory and get training, the whole world will be different.

  • Emma

    2020-07-21 at 8:26 PM

    I checked the Presencing website and found it is interesting to know the U school for transformation especially the Archived Programs. If this program is able to incorporated to all the colleges school and that is would be great.

  • Hannah

    2020-07-21 at 8:41 PM

    I am wondering how to join the U school. That must be a great idea to join the U lab to learn people across the world.

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