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  • Posted by Yuxin on 2020-06-11 at 6:22 PM

    According to the ICCA official website, the definition of ICCA is as follows.

    “The term “ICCA” is an abbreviation for a phenomenon that has many diverse manifestations and names in cultures and locations around the world. These include wilayah adat, himas, agdals, territorios de vida, territorios del buen vivir, tagal, qoroq-e bumi, yerli qorukh, faritra ifempivelomana, qoroq, ancestral domains, country, community conserved areas, territorios autonomos comunitarios, sacred natural sites, locally-managed marine areas, and many others. The ICCA abbreviation may encompass, but should never obscure, the diversity of such terms, which is a value in itself. Local / customary names should always be preferentially used, leaving the term ‘ICCA’ for general or inter-cultural communication…” (

    From the definition mentioned above, we are able to see the importance of contextualization. In other words, we have to get really understanding of the ICCA from the indigenous languages and context. This is also important to promote the development of ICCA from the indigenous perspective. For current situations, anthropocentrism is dominated our understanding about the world in which the indigenous knowledge has been neglected. That is why the ICCAs Consortium is making a big role in advancing the general public consciousness of protecting the culture, nature, society of the Indigenous and community conserved area. I hope more and more people get to know ICCA and make efforts not only to protect them but also cherish its previous values.

    Nolan replied 4 years, 7 months ago 11 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Liam

    2020-06-25 at 6:19 PM

    Thanks for your introduction of ICCA. It is amazing institute to promote the protections of indigenous people and their culture as well as nature. Good job.

  • Edward

    2020-06-25 at 7:03 PM

    Good to know about the ICCA. I like the indigenous culture and read a lot about them. It seems that ICCA is doing great job in helping those people. From my understanding, the indigenous people is so far away from our modern life. This is a misconception. More and more them have to move out of their forest or nature. That is sad. We watched how tough for the modern person stuck in the forest or mountains. We need respect the diversity of lifestyles instead of to be the same.

  • William

    2020-06-25 at 7:32 PM

    I checked online regarding ICCA and their website is amazing and doing great job to protect the indigenous culture. We need more and more such kind of organizations. The world needs it urgently.

  • James

    2020-06-25 at 8:05 PM

    We are talking about the human rights but I think the natural rights is part of the human rights. We can’t live without take it into account. The industrialization and modernization are destroying the nature of the indigenous people. Both the mining and logging are isolating the indigenous people from their nature. Everyone should know about the ICCA.

    • Charlotte

      2020-06-25 at 8:16 PM

      I agree with your ideas. We are living in the modern constructed world in which the nature is far away but we still like nature and want find time to enjoy nature. This attitude is so different from the indigenous people because they treat the nature is above them. The nature is sacred but we treat the nature as a tool to meet our needs.

  • Anthony

    2020-06-25 at 8:39 PM

    I am unclear about the difference between the indigenous people and aboriginal people. Is there one telling me the difference?

  • Alice

    2020-06-25 at 9:18 PM

    Thanks for letting us know about ICCA. That is a good website and institute. I love to know about the indigenous culture. When I traveled, I prefer the culture oriented attractions. I visited many indigenous communities in which I felt something attractive to me. However, I also noticed that in most places the authentic culture and nature have been distorted. That is so sad. Hope this situation will become better under the efforts by the whole world.

  • Marcus

    2020-06-25 at 9:22 PM

    I found this forum is very important and hope to listen the voice of the indigenous people. Their voice is absent from the mainstream conversations because their perspectives matter. I am looking forward to reading.

    A Voice for Indigenous Peoples

  • Charles

    2020-06-26 at 11:06 PM
  • Nolan

    2020-08-05 at 3:32 PM

    I believe that one of the true meanings of ICCAs is to fill the gaps in our current understanding of indigenous peoples, and to protect our world as a whole. Although the indigenous people are far away from us, we are all human beings who live on this planet and need to protect Mother Nature together. The whole ecology is an interconnected system, and any part of it that goes wrong will cause irreparable damage to the “global village”. I read something about indigenous languages and the fact that many indigenous languages disappear from the earth every year. It’s not only the disappearance of languages but also a cultural extinction. While I am saddened by this, I am also thinking about how we can better understand indigenous peoples’ culture and nature. In fact, culture and nature are closely intertwined as a whole. ICCAs are doing something that is good for both Indigenous people and humans.

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