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About Forums “Indigenous Education” Forums “Indigenous Language Education and Preservation” Forum We Need Work Together to Protect the Indigenous Languages

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  • We Need Work Together to Protect the Indigenous Languages

    Posted by Alice on 2020-06-11 at 7:39 PM

    Nowadays, the language death or loss is so tragic for human beings. Some data shows “Since 1950, the number of unique languages spoken throughout our world has steadily declined. Today, the voices of more than 7,000 languages resound across our planet every moment, but about 2,900 or 41% are endangered. At current rates, about 90% of all languages will become extinct in the next 100 years.” ( This is so appalling reality. In order to prevent the 90% languages from becoming extinct, we have to work together to protect the indigenous languages. The issue is that it is hard for us to get to know the indigenous languages because the big languages are dominating everywhere especially for the social media. I think if the indigenous languages is able to be incorporated into the education system and that would be a big boost for the indigenous language preservations.

    Edward replied 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply

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