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About Forums “Undergraduate Education” Forums “Non-Traditional Students” Forum Teachers Need to Pay Attention to the Needs of Non-Traditional Students in Onlin

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  • Teachers Need to Pay Attention to the Needs of Non-Traditional Students in Onlin

    Posted by Tucker on 2020-09-16 at 11:49 PM

    Under the influence of Coronavirus, education in the present day is predominantly online, which has different challenges for different types of students. Non-traditional students are an important part of this group and need special attention because, unlike conventional students, they need to balance work, family and studies. The challenges of online learning for non-traditional students under today’s pressures include online issues, technology issues, time allocation issues, and psychological pressures. Teachers should pay special attention to these non-traditional students in order to understand their needs and help them succeed academically.

    Tucker replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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