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About Forums “Undergraduate Education” Forums “Note Taking” Forum Note-taking should be diversified

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  • Note-taking should be diversified

    Posted by Malcolm on 2020-09-28 at 12:19 AM

    The Internet now provides students with a diversity of ways to take notes, and some people believe that traditional note-taking is better than modern note-taking methods. However, I don’t think so, because note-taking should be diversified so that the advantages and disadvantages of different note-taking methods can be taken into account. The form of note-taking is only one of the factors that contribute to the success of the student’s learning, and it is even more important to take notes more effectively. Here I talk about the content of note-taking. Different subjects have different ways of note-taking, but there are many commonalities among the differences. This requires students to be able to learn and communicate with each other in their note-taking.

    Kelvin replied 2 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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