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  • Let us Cherish the Indigenous Cultural Heritage

    Posted by Owen on 2020-06-11 at 10:12 PM

    We love our tradition but we are keeping the close eyes towards other culture heritages like the indigenous culture. I watched some movies having to do with indigenous people, but in most situation they are distorting the indigenous culture. I believe that they are either manipulating the indigenous culture or are ignorant towards them. This kind of negative impact is huge. The film industry needs take their responsibility to respect the indigenous culture instead of using it as the tool to make money. In that the film industry is taking the responsibility as the media education. We are pouring huge amount time to watch than read and we should know that all we watch must be doubted because we don’t have time to search the truth. Let us cherish the indigenous culture by learning together by reading and making friends with the indigenous people.

    Protecting Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Weld Ranges Mine Site

    Sarah replied 4 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Edward

    2020-06-25 at 7:06 PM

    We all have our own heritage but we neglect other’s. Others’ is ours. It is not philosophical question but the way to open our mind towards other possibility and beauty. We may ask ourselves what is the heritage for us as a whole.

  • Charlotte

    2020-06-25 at 8:19 PM

    For me, I believe the most valuable thing for indigenous culture is that it is our ancestor culture and we are able to learn more from it. It doesn’t mean that the culture is old. There is no old or new for culture. It is growing and updating across the time.

  • Sarah

    2020-06-26 at 10:43 PM

    I love to know about my ancestor culture. The word of “ancestor” means more than biological ancestor but the ancestor of humans. We are all the offsprings of the earth. That is the reason that we call it mother land. Indigenous culture is the common assets of humans. We need cherish it.

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